* VC++ API DirectX 2D library & Engine - 1 - Start~ ȳϼ^-^ αԴϴ~. VB Ÿα׷ ¸ µ^^ ̹ VC++ API DirectX 2D library & Engine ¸ غ ҽϴ ϴ ù° ð̴ϱ.. ͵ ˾ƺ. library.....̰ ΰ?.. ƽôº ŵ ˴ϴ.~. ãƺ....̶ ̱ .. α׷ֿ ̴ lib(ٿ ̷ ڽϴ.)  𸨴ϴ.^-^; α׷ Ͻôº̸ ˰. ddutil ̳ dxutil ̶ Ͻø ϴ. ̶̺ ϼŵ ǰڳ׿^^..̶̺ å β ̸ϴ ׷ ̺ 뵵 𸣴° ãƺ° ̺귯 Դϴ. ʿҶ ̺귯 س Լ ˴ϴ. ?. ž߁^-^. ڸ 2d ׷ ̺귯 ϳ ߴٰ մϴ. LoadPicture Լ ϳ jpg, bmp ҷüִٰ սô. ׷ LoadPicture Լ ?.¼ pcx ϵ ҷ 鿩ߵǴµ Ҷ ָ Ǵ°Դϴ. ̿϶ lib Ϸ  ddraw.lib ߰س ׷ ߰س Ǵ°Դϴ. cpp h ؾߵɶ ܵξ߰ Engine..̳ ̶ ^-^ ̶ ׷ ̺귯 ü ˰ֽϴ. ׷, Dz, , , AI , ƼŬ, Ʈ .. ̷ ̺귯 𿩼 ϳ Ǵ°. ӿ ޶ Դϴ. ׷ ̶ ϸ 256 Į 16bit Ưȿ,  ׷ Ưȿ  bmp ̿Ұ, pcx ̿ϴ ƴϸ ü ̿ϴ, ... ͵ ̰ӿ mp3 ϰڴ, wav, mid ϰڴ Ŀ ޶ְ^^. ׷ ϴ° Դϴ. .. ũ Ȱ뼺̶.. ¿ 帮 ϴ°ͺ ˷帮 ϴ°Դϴ^^ α׷ ̽ö ˸ ȥڼ ϽǼǰ̶ մϴ^^ ణ 帮 ϰ.. ̻ؼ..̳׿^^. ̷ µ.. ŵ..Ƿµ ξ.. ֽø ϰڽϴ.^^ ׷ ´ .lib ~ ϰڽϴ^-^..ּ. p.s ǹ̳ ûϽǰ ø dingpong@hanmail.net ּ^-^. * VC++ API DirectX 2D library & Engine - 2 - Lib ȳϼ^^ 2° Դϴ ߴ..lib  Ẹ ϰڽϴ^-^ lib  ?. ..켱 dxutil.cpp dxutil.h غսô ۼص ^^ װ 뿡  κ ϸ鼭 ϵ սô^-^ ¿ ׸ ߴµ;.װ sdk 濡 Common ̶濡 ֱ^-^ 켱 vc++ Ŀ new Ʈ սô ű⼭ ؿ Win32 static library ִµ װɷ Ͻø ˴ϴ. ٸ ɼǾ ׳ ѱø ǰ ׷ FileView ø ҽ̶ κ ϴ űٰ ҽ κп dxutil.cpp ߰ Ͻð Ϻκп dxutil.h ߰Ѵ f5 ϴ° ƴ϶~! f7 ϼžմϴ dxutil.h 濡 ϼ^-^ ׷ lib ϴ. 濡 . ^-^;..׷ lib ϼȰ̴ϴ ̰ ̿ؾ߰? ڱⰡ ۾ϰִ 濡 lib 丮 include 丮 ϴ lib 丮 lib ø ǰ include dxutil.h ^-^ ״ . ޴ - Tools - Options ǹٿ - Directories °ſô include files Ǿϴ.. ޺ڽ ؿ ڽ ٰ Ŭϸ ʿ ... ִ Ŀǵ ڽ ݴϴ include ̴ϱ 츮 include ְ߰ include files ִ ޺ڽ Ӵٿ Library filas lib ߰ ݴϴ. p.s ̹ ٶϴ. ׷ ϴ. * : lib ϴ° win 32 ø̼θ Ϲ Ʈ ϴ° մϴ^^. ޴ - Project - Settings - Link ǿ ø ִµ ߿ Option/library modules : ִ ؿ ڽٰ ̳ ڿٰ ڽ lib ̸ ݴϴ dxutil.lib ٸ ׷ ߰ݴϴ ٸδ ڵ #pragma comment(lib, "dxutil.lib") ̷ ָ Ͱ ߰ϴ°Ͱ Ȱ ݴϴ. ߿ lib  ̺귯 ߰״ 𸣰ڴٸ ڵ ִ° ξ ˾ƺ ^-^; ̷ ߰ dxutil.cpp dxutil.h ߰ʾƵ ִ߰°̴. ׳ ִ°ó Ͻð ø ˴ϴ^-^. ׷ ̹´ ̸ ڽϴ Ϸ ּ^-^.մϴ. * VC++ API DirectX 2D library & Engine - 3 - 2d Engine ׷ ̺귯 - 1 - 3° ðԴϴ^-^ .. ϴ°͸ ҳ׿>_< ϴ ֳ׿.. ñϽŰ Ͻ÷^-^;..ƹ Ͻó׿ ϽǼֵ ó ⸸ ִ Ȱ ϰ մϴ.-. .. ª صΰ.. ... ׷ ̺귯 غ սô^-^ ddraw directx 70,80% ϰִ°Ͱ ׷ȿ ߿ Ʊ⵵ϰ ð ̰ɸ κ̱⵵ մϴ. ȭ鿡 Ÿ ִºκ̴ϱ^^ ddutil ִ Լ ׷ȿ ȿ ־Ƚϴ; ֳϸ?.Ƿ ʵǴϱ^-^;...ü Ʈ ϴٰ ׸ΰ(..). ϴٺϱ ^-^;.ð̾ ϴ ̷ صΰ µ װ ̷ ׿.. 2d ׷ .cpp h Ŀ.. ϴ κ 帮ڽϴ #ifndef __2D_ENGINE_H__ #define __2D_ENGINE_H__ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define NODEFAULTLIB #include #include //directdraw #include #include //dirextinput #include #include #include #include #include #include //directshow #include #include #include "InputEngine.h" //Dz̺귯 #include "ShowEngine.h" //̺귯 #include "File.h" //϶̺귯 #include "MusicEngine.h" //̺귯 #include "ase.h" #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFINE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SCREEN_WIDTH 640 // size of screen #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 480 #define SCREEN_BPP 16 // bits per pixel #define SAFE_DELETE(p) { if(p) { delete (p); (p)=NULL; } } #define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if(p) { delete[] (p); (p)=NULL; } } #define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if(p) { (p)->Release(); (p)=NULL; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // , 糯¥ 2001.11.13 // ¥ 2001.11.28 // ߰ //static int g_bpp; //static LONG g_screenWidth; //static LONG g_screenHeight; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern LPDIRECTDRAW7 lpDD; extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDSF; //ո extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDBF; //޸ extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDOF; //ũ extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDOFMAP; extern LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER lpddclipper; // dd clipper static int g_bpp; static LONG g_screenWidth; static LONG g_screenHeight; #pragma comment(lib, "ddraw.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ̹ ü, 糯¥ 2001.11.13 // ¥ 2001.11.28 // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // <ü > // ̹ εϰ ʿ ü̴. // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // <> // 1. 20 startx starty ߰Ͽ. ̰ ̹ εȰ // RECT ó ۰̴. RIGHT BOTTOM ̹ ̿ // ̸ Ѱ Ͽ // 2. ĮŰ // 3. MAX ְ ̹ ε Լ ϰ // Լ Ű ־. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 *buf; // ׸ ̹ ޸ int width; // ̹ int height; // ̹ int startx; // rect ۰ x int starty; // rect ۰ y int Maxx; // ̹ü x int Maxy; // ̹ü y COLORREF rgb; // ĮŰ } IMG_BUFFER; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Լ (Prototype) ///////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Engine { public: IDirectDrawSurface7* DDLoadBitmap(IDirectDraw7 *pdd, LPCTSTR szBitmap, int dx, int dy ); HRESULT DDReLoadBitmap(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds, LPCSTR szBitmap); IDirectDrawPalette* DDLoadPalette(IDirectDraw7 * pdd, LPCSTR szBitmap); HRESULT LoadImages(IMG_BUFFER *img, char *file_name); bool PutClippingImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img); bool PutImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img); bool CreateSurface(IMG_BUFFER *img); bool PutColorKeyImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img); bool PutClippingColorKeyImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img); HRESULT DDSetColorKey(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds, COLORREF rgb); HRESULT Clear_Surface(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds); void IMG_BUFFERSetting(IMG_BUFFER *IMG_Name, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 *Buffer, int Width, int Height, int StartX, int StartY, int MaxX, int MaxY, COLORREF rgb); void PutText(int x, int y, COLORREF rgb, char *str, ...); HRESULT CreateFullMode(HWND hWnd, DWORD width, DWORD height, DWORD bpp); HRESULT Present(); Engine() {}; ~Engine() {}; private: DWORD DDColorMatch(IDirectDrawSurface7 *pdds, COLORREF rgb); bool SetBpp(void); HRESULT DDCopyBitmap(IDirectDrawSurface7 *pdds, HBITMAP hbm, int x, int y, int dx, int dy); }; #endif ̰ Ǯҽ Դϴ. ..Ǿ....Ŭ ̿߰...Ȱ뼺 ؼ ϸ main include Ű ǰ ϴ^^ ٸ ǰ~ ּ ּ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ̹ ü, 糯¥ 2001.11.13 // ¥ 2001.11.28 // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ǿִ..... ּ ߿ϴϴ α׷ ¥ø 1޵ڳ 2޵ڿ ø װ ؼҼ ñϼ^-^ ΰΰ ϱ⶧Դϴ. 1̵ 2̵ ׳ lib Ϸ ΰ ° ƴ϶ cpp h ϵ ؼ ٲ㰡鼭 ϱ⶧ ̰  ߰  ؾ ̰  ؾϸ ̰ .....ִ ô° ^-^;. Լ մϴ.. ǰ ̰ ̴ּ޾ƾ Ѵٴ° ٴ» ó׿^-^; ּؿ ִ IMG_BUFFER ü Ƿ 籸ü Դϴ. ü ν ڿ ̱ü ׸ ȭ鿡 µɼֵ ߾. int width; // ̹ int height; // ̹ int startx; // rect ۰ x int starty; // rect ۰ y int Maxx; // ̹ü x int Maxy; // ̹ü y COLORREF rgb; // ĮŰ ̹ , ̶ ̹ Դϴ. ؿ ̹ü,x,y 򸮽Ǽִµ, ׸ ϳ־ ݸ ְ 1024*768 ¥ ׸ ִµ 640*480 ̹ ̿ 640*480 ֽø Ǵ°Դϴ.^-^.ذ ̴. rect ۰ ׸ ִ. ׷ϱ ̹, * rect ۰ ؼ ִ°̴ϴ. rect ۰ ϸ ִϸ̼ǰ ٶ rect ۰ ٲָ Ǵ°Դϴ 64*64׸ 1024*64 ¥ ִϸ̼DZ׸ ִٰϸ ̹̿ 64*64 rect ۰x 64*i ̷ ָ ִϸ̼ ǰ. ۰ ٲϱ^-^. ̹ ü ״ ̹ ü x,y ־ֽø ǰ ĮŰ ƿ ־Ƚϴ. ĮŰ ׸̶ RGB(0,0,0) ̶ ֽø ˴ϴ^-^. IDirectDrawSurface7* DDLoadBitmap(IDirectDraw7 *pdd, LPCTSTR szBitmap, int dx, int dy ); HRESULT DDReLoadBitmap(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds, LPCSTR szBitmap); IDirectDrawPalette* DDLoadPalette(IDirectDraw7 * pdd, LPCSTR szBitmap); HRESULT DDSetColorKey(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds, COLORREF rgb); ddutil ̾ƿ Լ׿^-^. ϰִ в ƽDz մϴ^-^. bool PutClippingImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img); bool PutImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img); bool PutColorKeyImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img); bool PutClippingColorKeyImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img); 4 Լ ׸ ִ ԼԴϴ ȭ x,y img ۰ ־ָ 4 Ŭ , ĮŰ Ѿϴ ׸ ƴ 4 ϴ. ?.^-^ void IMG_BUFFERSetting(IMG_BUFFER *IMG_Name, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 *Buffer, int Width, int Height, int StartX, int StartY, int MaxX, int MaxY, COLORREF rgb); Լ img ԼԴϴ. ڸ ƽDz մϴ. img ü 帱 ڰ ֽϴ^-^ HRESULT LoadImages(IMG_BUFFER *img, char *file_name); Լ ν ̹ ε մϴ^-^ img ü ̶ ̸ ȿմϴ .̷ν h ٵ帰Ͱ׿^-^; ڽ ϱ Դϴ. ð ظ ϽŴٸ в ϽǼ մϴ ҽ ø м ϴ ̻ κ ׿- Ȱ뼺 Ͻð в ! 츮 ӿ  Լ ʿϰ ȿ ½½ ϰ ÷ Ǿϱ ׷͵̿^-^ ݺ 忡 صνð ٸ մϴ^^ е鲲 ð ϽǰͰ._ ̸ α׷ α̴ ڽϴ^-^. * VC++ API DirectX 2D library & Engine - 4 - 2d Engine ׷ ̺귯 - 2 - ȳϼ^^ 4° Դϴ.. ...ð 2d ׷ h Ͽ ˾ƺ ̹ð cpp Ͽ Ѱ ˾ƺô cpp Ͽ   ϳ 帮ڽϴ^^ ߿ κи 帮^-^..ü ҽ ÷帮ڽϴ. #include "2DEngine.h" // LPDIRECTDRAW7 lpDD = NULL; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDSF = NULL; //ո LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDBF = NULL; //޸ LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDOF = NULL; //ũ ⼭ DDraw Ҷ ݵ ־ ̽ DRAW üԴϴ. ٸ ũ..ΰ ʿ信 Main ٰ ø ɰ̰ ⼭ س ʿѰԴϴ lpDDOF ʿѰ ƴϰ^-^..ũ ϳ ְԻصаԴϴ. extern Engine Eng; ̶ϳ... 𸣰ڽϴ^-^ ̷ ߽ϴ. α׷ ¥ٺϱ main.cpp main.h Ͽ ҽ ִ°̾ϴ. cpp ؼ α׷ ϴ¹ ..Ŭ 䵵 ߸^^ ׶ Ŭ ˰ԵǾ.. ҽ cpp cpp ؼ cpp ִ Ŭ Լ ̿Ҽְִ°Դϴ^^; ذ ʰôºе ֽñ ٶϴ>_< Engine Eng; .cpp include ؿ ̷ ֽð Լȿٰ Eng. Ͻø üó class ϵǾִ Լ ϰԴϴ^-^..׷ Ͻø ˴ϴ. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// 16bit Į /////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Engine::SetBpp(void) 16bit Į ׳ ּ̰.. 16bit 2d ̱⶧ ׷ī忡 5,6,5 尡 ɼְ 5,5,5尡 ɼִµ װ ڸ ⶧ 𸣽ôºе 16bit º ñٶϴ^-^ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// ڸ /////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Engine::PutText(int x, int y, COLORREF rgb, char *str, ...) ״ ڸ ִԼԴϴ. Ű ִ x,y ǥ ״ rgb(RGB(0,0,0)̷..)״ ڸ־ָ ˴ϴ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// ̷Ʈ ο츦 ʱȭϰ ///////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT Engine::CreateFullMode(HWND hWnd, DWORD width, DWORD height, DWORD bpp) ּ ִ±״Դϴ.^^ WinMain Լȿ . WinInit Լ ҷԽϴ. Ŭ ϰ ..׷ ״ Eng.CreateFullMode(hWnd, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, WINDOW_BPP)) ̷ ҷ´ٸ ǰ^-^ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// Flip Լ ///////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT Engine::Present() ״ Flip ԼԴϴ^^ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// DDUtil Լ..̹ ҷ´ ///////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IDirectDrawSurface7* Engine::DDLoadBitmap(IDirectDraw7 * pdd, LPCSTR szBitmap, int dx, int dy) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// DDUtil Լ..̹ ٽ ҷ´ //////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT Engine::DDReLoadBitmap(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds, LPCSTR szBitmap) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// DDUtil Լ..̹ īѴ ///////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT Engine::DDCopyBitmap(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds, HBITMAP hbm, int x, int y, int dx, int dy) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// DDUtil Լ..ȷƮ .. ///////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IDirectDrawPalette* Engine::DDLoadPalette(IDirectDraw7 * pdd, LPCSTR szBitmap) {////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// DDUtil Լ. /////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD Engine::DDColorMatch(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds, COLORREF rgb) { ƽDz ˴ϴ^-^.ּ ~ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// Surface ִ Լ ///////////////////////// // : // : 11 22 // : 00 00 // : // : Ϻ 𸣰, ȭ ʽŴ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Engine::CreateSurface(IMG_BUFFER *img) { ִּ±״Դϴ. surface ϵ surface ׸ ҷʽϴ. ̷ Լ ̳ ϸ... ӽù۰ ɼְ^^..鼭̽ó... ĺ ȿ ̼̽ ټֽϴ^-^ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// ̹ ε Լ //////////////////////////////////// // : ddutil ʿ DDLoadBitmap Լ // : 11 21 // : 11 27 // : ĮŰ ⼭ Ҽ. ĮŰ̾Ϸ // RGB(0,0,0) // : Ϻ 𸣰, ȭ ʽŴ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT Engine::LoadImages(IMG_BUFFER *img, char *file_name) { ̹ ε ԼԴϴ. ½ð 帰Դϴ^-^ img_buffer ˸ ٸǾԴϴ. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// ̹ Լ(Ŭ ʵ, ĮŰ ʵ) ///////////////// // : Img 켱 // : 11 21 // : 00 00 // : // : ҿ, ȭ ʽŴ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Engine::PutImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img) { bool Engine::PutClippingImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img) { bool Engine::PutColorKeyImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img) { bool Engine::PutClippingColorKeyImage(int x, int y, IMG_BUFFER *img) { ̰͵ ð ̴ϴ^^ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// IMG_BUFFER ü ʱȭش. //////////////////////// // : IMG_BUFFER ü ʿ. Ű ߺ // : 11 20 // : 00 00 // : // : IMG_BUFFER ü Ҽִٴ° // Ű ü  Ҽ?. // ׷ ȴٸ Ҽٵ... // : : imgbuffer, ̽, ̹ϳrect, , ִ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Engine::IMG_BUFFERSetting(IMG_BUFFER *IMG_Name, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 *Buffer, int Width, int Height, int StartX, int StartY, int MaxX, int MaxY, COLORREF rgb) { IMG_Name->buf = Buffer; IMG_Name->width = Width; IMG_Name->height = Height; IMG_Name->startx = StartX; IMG_Name->starty = StartY; IMG_Name->Maxx = MaxX; IMG_Name->Maxy = MaxY; IMG_Name->rgb = rgb; // ĮŰ } ...ҽ ڸ ž? ׳ ־ִ°Դϴ.; img_buffer ڰſ char Ѱܿͼ char img_buffer ڵֵ ;µ ø ̿ؾѴٰؼ^-^ img_buffer main ̸ ؾ߁?.ũϳ img_bufferϳ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// ĮŰ ִ Լ ϱ ĮŰ ش///////// // : ĮŰ ؼ ֱ Լ Ұ // : 11 21 // : 00 00 // : // : DDUtil Լ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT Engine::DDSetColorKey(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds, COLORREF rgb) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// ʱȭش ... ///////////////////////// // : ߸ // : 11 21 // : 00 00 // : // : ٸδ ʵ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT Engine::Clear_Surface(IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds) { ԼԴϴ ĺ̳, ̵̵ƿ, , ؽİ ^-^. ̺귯Դϴ ..̴𸣁ٳ׿^^ ׷ ȳ 輼^-^ * VC++ API DirectX 2D library & Engine - 5 - ׷ȶ̺귯 ׸ ! ȳϼ..5°Դϴ. ̹ð ݱ ߴ ׷ ̺귯 main  ̿ϴĸ 帮ڽϴ. 켱 ο Engine Eng; ̷ (?)̶ ޽ϴ^-^ Դϴ. ̺κп ؼ¿ LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDOFCHAR = NULL; //ɸ ũ ϳ ݴϴ IMG_BUFFER Char; img_buffer ϳ ݴϴ. Eng.IMG_BUFFERSetting(&Char, &lpDDOFCHAR, 32, 32, 32, 32, 64, 128, RGB(255,0,255)); //ɸ img_buffer ϴ Լ char ̶ img_buffer ݴϴ. ̺κп ؼ h ϼ Ҷ ڼ صԴϴ. ٽ 帮ڸ 64 * 128 ¥ ׸ 32*32 ũ 32*32 Ǵִ ׸ ׸. ¸Դϴ. ڴ ĮṴ̋ Eng.LoadImages(&Char, "char2.bmp"); char ۿٰ char2.bmp ׸ εմϴ Ҹϴ κп if(lpDDOFCHAR) SAFE_RELEASE(lpDDOFCHAR); ̷ ָ ˴ϴ^^ Eng.PutClippingColorKeyImage(CharX,CharY, &Char); //ɸ ִ ̷ ֽø ׸ ϴ Ŭϸ鼭 ĮŰ ̹ Լ CharX CharY ݴϴ. ȰͰϴ^-^; в غ>_< ׷ ̸... * VC++ API DirectX 2D library & Engine - 6 - Input Lib м!~ - 1 - ȳϼ^^ ° ʾϴ α׷ ϴ ϴ ̾._ ū ȴϴ^-^. ڷḦ ã ̷ڷḦ þ. ̱̳ ؿ α׷ӵ 4 ⺻̰ ڱ (α׷) ٸ ٰ ؾ߰ڴٴ ;; Ӹ ̸ ̰^-^.;...  Input ؼ ˾ƺ սô ̺귯 Input 帮ڽϴ Ѱ մϴ. ҽ ø ˼ǵ ͽϴ 콺 input  ʰ Ű常 մϴ 콺 ϱ⿡ API ξ ;;ϱ⵵ ϰ װ , ƴϸ Ƿ̰^^; ..õå 帮 ͳ׿ Tricks of the WINDOWS Game Programming Gurus å Ŵٸ ¸ ʿǵ^-^;..ֳϸ å Ѱ̰ŵ ٸ͵ input κе ִµ մϴ. 鼭 帮ڽϴ. #include "2DEngine.h" extern LPDIRECTINPUT lpDIP; //Dz extern LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE lpDIPD; //Dz extern LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE lpdimouse; // dinput mouse #pragma comment(lib, "dinput.lib") ƽDz մϴ ..׷ 콺 ̸ ̽ ü ֳ׿ Ǽ!..ʱ׷ 뼭 ֽñ;.콺 ߴٰ ⰰ׿^^ Ŭۿ µ.. class InputEngine { public: HRESULT InputCreate(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hWnd); void KeyInput(); void MouseInput(); bool ESC; //ESC bool LEFT; // ȭǥ bool RIGHT; // ȭǥ bool UP; // ȭǥ bool DOWN; //Ʒ ȭǥ bool SPACE; //̽ bool LCTRL; //Ʈ bool LALT; //ʾƮ ߷... int mouse_x, mouse_y; // used to track mouse InputEngine() {Zero();}; ~InputEngine() {}; private: void Zero(); }; InputCreate(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hWnd); Լ Dz ü °̰?^^ KeyInput() Ű Է... MouseInput() 콺 Է(?).ũ;.Ǽ;; ؿ bool ̴ϴ ̰...Ű ٿ üũϱѰ; ְ ̷ 밡 ̸ ߽ϴ;;. ź ּ~ ... bool Ű down, up üũմϴ ׺κ cpp ø ˰Դϴ^-^ ..м Ͽ °Ͱ׿ 𸥴ٴ ^-^;. ¶ input.cpp ! ׷ ̸... * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[VB] ȳϼ.. ִ -_-..ٽÿøϴ..^^;;  θ Ҳ ϸ.. ʺڵ Բ Ҽֵ ּ... ޵ Դϴ^^. Ϸ ּ^^ ߺּ~" p.s ҽ ֽñ ٶϴ dingpong@hanmail.net * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[ΰ] ȳϼ(--) (__).. Ÿα׷ Ʈ  帮°Ͱ 鼭 ðų Ʈ ż ϼŵ ˴ϴ..׳ ŵ ~ ھ..׷...ϸ....ΰ ¥߰?.. ó ϸ ¥§..ǰ ߴ-_-;;; Ʈ ø Ʒ ι° ִ Դϴ. ..ٸ .....ctrl + t ּ..׸.. 3?..ø. ǥٿ Ҷ ߴµ. ߰... ũѹٸ ôٺ microsoft Multimedia Control 6.0 (SP3) üũڽ ǥø ֽð~ microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 üũ ּ ׸ Ȯ ٿ...ּ^^; ׷ ʿ ø  Ʈ . ... ǥõִ°...׷ϱ 콺 MMControl ̶ ° ŬϽŴ ׸~..׸ Ѵ ̸ mid1 ٲ߽ô~... ..׸ Ÿ̸Ӹ ϳ ߰ϼż interval 2500 ϼ 2500̶ 2.5ʸ ۵ϰ ϴ°̴ϴ 1000 1ʰŵ^^; 2.5ʸ ۵ϰ ϳı?.. ø ƽð ΰ(-_-) µ 2.5ʸ ϱ Դϴ^^;..2.5ʰ ΰ ޴ ߰ Ҳŵ. 2 ߰ϼ ƹ볪 ̺ ġմϴ..ǵ ϴ Ӽ ָ ĵDZ ..۾. ʿ ̺ θ ű Էؾ Ǵµ ©? ̺ Ӽ ø autosize ° ̴ϴ. 4°.. װ true ٲּ... ̰ ϳϸ ״ Ʈ ڵ  شٴ ̴ϴ.. label1.caption " õ"  label1 Ʈ õ ۾ µ  ڵ ٴ ̾߱Դϴ~ ߰ ϼ ε ֱ.....ؼ ٹ̼ŵ ϴ. Ӽ font ٲּŵ ^^ ڵѰ ô. Private Sub Form_Load() mid1.FileName = App.Path + "\Start.wav" mid1.Command = "open" mid1.Command = "play" Label1.Caption = "Ÿ " + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + " α׷ Ver 1.2" Label2.Caption = " : α" Label3.Caption = " α׷ α׷ Դϴ." End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Unload muloag mumain.Show End Sub ..ª? ε.. ó ɶ óǴ ̺ƮԴϴ.. ù°.... Filename ° ״ ̸Դϴ;... ù° ϴ Start.wav wav ã°....ã°ǰ-_-; ° ׷Ȱ մϴ. app.path θ Ÿ Ʈ Ǿִ° οٰ \ϱ ̸.Ȯ ϴϱ Ȱ?.. Ƽ̳? mid1 MMcontrol ̸?..Ʊ ٲݾƿ^^; ι° command ̰ ;..׷ ִ± ϴ ޼ҵ ϴ..޼ҵ(³?)..å ãƺø ðԴϴ .ڿ ٴ° ׷ -_-;.. "open"...Start.wav ɾ Դϴ.. MMControl.. ״ "play" ϱ մϴ~ ׹°..׷ label1.caption .. label2 ~~~~ label3 ~~~~~~ ϴ^^;; ø ˲.. ҽ.. Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Unload muloag mumain.Show End Sub ̰ ˾ƺ timer1 Ǹ Ͼ ̺Ʈ ǹմϴ ù° unload ״ unload ŵϴ muloag ... ΰ unload ŵϴ unload me Ҽ show մϴ. ҷ ^^; ̸ ġڽϴ. Ƹ..θ޴ ؼ ¸ ϰڽϴ. ּ~ ̳ Ÿ ߸ ִٰ Žô е~~ dingpong@hanmail.net ̿ ֽñ~~" * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[θ޴] '' ȳϼ.^^...° ðԴϴ~.. õ ų ڱ(--..).. Ͼ..׷ ΰ ̳?.. ϳ ʵͼ.... .. ϼ.. ^^;...׷ ˰ ϱ ׳ Ѿ ϰڽϴ. .. ?.... ð ߵ.. θ޴ ׷ ô! غ ؾ߰?^^...غ Ͻñ. ׸ оּ~ ͵ Ҳ .. ϳδ Ҳ ƿ..׷ ,, ϵ ϰڽϴ ڼ 帮°Ŷ ¿ ..ּ^^; θ޴....Ʈ Ž⿡ ؿ ִ Դϴ.~ mumain̶ Ǿ? .. ڸ..ϰ ?;..׷ ˰ ϴϴ~ ..̰ ̷ ϳ ϸ.... - Ǿ Դϴ. ñ ޴ Ϸ ż ø θ޴ ȿ ?... ..̰Ͷ ̷ ϰ Ȱ. ϴ ε..⼭ ̷ ٴ°.^^; 켱..޴ ¥ô...޴..۾ǥ ؿ..ִ°Ŷ° ƽ?^^ Ctrl + e ŵ DZ â 2°ٿ ʿ ° ޴ Դϴ.. ޴ ޴⸦ - ޴ ⸦ Ͻø Ű^^;.......̰  α׷ ʿ ̴ Ͻô° ϴ.~ ⼭ Ǵ ɵ鸸 ϵ ~ ..Ͻô е鵵 ױ..鼭 Ͻô е鵵 ٵ.. ؾ ;...ϴ....鼭 Ͻôºе ַ ڽϴ;.... ¿ ҽ ø ظ ϽŴ ʺ ȥ ^^.. ... -_-;; ..caption ̶ ֽϴ..ٷ ̸^^;..label Ȱ Ӽ ? ؿ name ....label name Դϴ ߿ ڵϰ ɶ ִ ̸ ãƼ ڵϴ°~ ٸ Ʈ մϴ^^; ׸...ؿ ø ȭǥ ǥð 4 ..Ʒ翷..ִ.. ̰ ǹϳ ϸ.. Ÿ ̴ϴ. ø ˰ ֽϴ. ״ "..."ϱ ̶ ִµ ... Ÿ Դϴ. ִ ̶ ....ѹ  غ~..׷ ׹ ذ .. Ʒ... űⱸ Ʒ űⱸ Ҷ ˴ϴ^^; ̰͵ ǽ ø ݹ ذ .. ̷ ؼ... Ͱ ^^; name ڽ ˾ƺ ֵ Ͻø ϴ~ ż̳?...^^ ¥ .. 켱 ڿ ø ִ ұ....׷ 簰 Ʈ ϳ ϰԴϴ ǿ ̴.. ̸ TabStrip ..װ Ͽ ġϽñ Ʒִ ð ǥ ڿ ø StatusBar ̶ žִ ̴ϴ..ϰ ãƺ^^;..ġϽð .."޴" Ŀǵ ڽ ϳ ġϽñ ܿ ̴ ѹ ġ ..  ˷帮ڸ MMControl 9... mid2~10 ϴ ...׸ Ÿ̸Ӱ 11...ð 1ʿ ѹ ۵ϰ Ǿ ִ° ϴ.. Ÿ̸ 1 1250̳׿. 2 ư üũڽ ġϽñ ٶϴ... ѰͰ̿^^; ׿... ֳ?......ҽð ġּ(˼--) (__) Ͼ.. ¥ ɷ ĥ~ ڵ ^^..... ׷ ̸~ * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[θ޴] '' 4° ðԴϴ^^.. θ޴ ڵ ˾ƺ~ Dim a As Integer Dim cnt As Byte Dim CNT1 As Byte Dim cnt2 As Byte Dim cnt3 As Byte Dim cnt4 As Byte Dim cnt5 As Byte Dim cnt6 As Byte Dim cnt7 As Byte Dim aaa As Byte Dim bbb As Byte Dim ccc As Byte 켱 մϴ.. as ٴ° ̶ ؾϳ?;;.. ʺ.. ...׷ ϴ°̴ϴ..å ִ° ` Private Sub Command1_Click() mid2.Visible = False mid2.Enabled = False mid3.Visible = False mid3.Enabled = False mid4.Visible = False mid4.Enabled = False mid5.Visible = False mid5.Enabled = False mid6.Visible = False mid6.Enabled = False mid7.Visible = False mid7.Enabled = False mid8.Visible = False mid8.Enabled = False mid9.Visible = False mid9.Enabled = False mid10.Visible = False mid10.Enabled = False Picture1.Visible = True Picture1.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = False Command1.Visible = False TabStrip1.Enabled = False TabStrip1.Visible = False Frame1.Visible = False Frame1.Enabled = False Frame2.Visible = False Frame2.Enabled = False End Sub Ŀǵ1 Ŭ Ͼ ̺Ʈ....޴ ̺Ʈ. ..ƯѰ ʱ..visible ...true ̱ false ʺ̰ ϴ°̴ϴ. enabled ...ȰȭԴϴ..true ִ»± false ϰ ˴ϴ. ޴ζ Ŭϸ 忡 ʿѰ͵ .. Ⱥ̰ ؾ߰..?..׷ մϴ^^; Private Sub Form_Load() Timer3.Enabled = True Timer4.Enabled = True Timer2.Enabled = True Timer5.Enabled = True Timer6.Enabled = True Timer7.Enabled = True Timer8.Enabled = True Timer9.Enabled = True mid2.Visible = False mid2.Enabled = False mid3.Visible = False mid3.Enabled = False mid4.Visible = False mid4.Enabled = False mid5.Visible = False mid5.Enabled = False mid6.Visible = False mid6.Enabled = False mid7.Visible = False mid7.Enabled = False mid8.Visible = False mid8.Enabled = False mid9.Visible = False mid9.Enabled = False mid10.Visible = False mid10.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = False Command1.Visible = False TabStrip1.Enabled = False TabStrip1.Visible = False Frame1.Visible = False Frame1.Enabled = False Frame2.Visible = False Frame2.Enabled = False Timer1.Enabled = False If Option5.Value = True Then Frame1.Enabled = True End If If Option6.Value = True Then Frame1.Enabled = False Option1.Enabled = False Option2.Enabled = False Option3.Enabled = False Option4.Enabled = False Option7.Enabled = False Option8.Enabled = False Option9.Enabled = False Option10.Enabled = False mid2.Command = "close" mid4.Command = "close" mid5.Command = "close" mid6.Command = "close" mid7.Command = "close" mid8.Command = "close" mid9.Command = "close" mid10.Command = "close" End If If Option1.Value = True Then mid2.FileName = App.Path + "\Toheart.mid" mid2.Command = "open" mid2.Command = "play" End If If Option2.Value = True Then mid4.FileName = App.Path + "\31.mid" mid4.Command = "open" mid4.Command = "play" End If If Option3.Value = True Then mid5.FileName = App.Path + "\11.mid" mid5.Command = "open" mid5.Command = "play" End If If Option4.Value = True Then mid6.FileName = App.Path + "\2-02 Ahead on Our Way Midi.mid" mid6.Command = "open" mid6.Command = "play" End If If Option5.Value = True Then Frame1.Enabled = True End If If Option7.Value = True Then mid7.FileName = App.Path + "\12.mid" mid7.Command = "open" mid7.Command = "play" End If If Option8.Value = True Then mid8.FileName = App.Path + "\34.mid" mid8.Command = "open" mid8.Command = "play" End If If Option9.Value = True Then mid9.FileName = App.Path + "\Hero.mid" mid9.Command = "open" mid9.Command = "play" End If If Option10.Value = True Then mid10.FileName = App.Path + "\Yestrday.mid" mid10.Command = "open" mid10.Command = "play" End If mid3.FileName = App.Path + "\End.wav" mid3.Command = "open" End Sub ..決.. .. ƯѰ ʴ±..... ΰ ¶.. ϴ° ?,..ؿ װŰ... ..If Option1.Value = True Then ̺κ ڸ option1 value = true üũǾ .. ֵȴ..̷Դϴ^^; ƯѰ ..׳ Ѿϴ~ Private Sub mu111_Click() Form1.Show End Sub mu111 ̶... mu111 ̽ ϴ..޴ ӿ~ ׷ ޴ ̽ Ŭϸ ̽ form1 show ҷ ߽ϴ ͵ Ѱű..޴  ϸ  ҷ~ Private Sub muend_Click() a = MsgBox("Ͻðڽϱ?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "") If a = vbYes Then mid2.Command = "close" mid4.Command = "close" mid5.Command = "close" mid6.Command = "close" mid7.Command = "close" mid8.Command = "close" mid9.Command = "close" mid10.Command = "close" mid3.Command = "play" Timer1.Enabled = True Else Exit Sub End If muend ޴ .... ̰ Ḧ Ͼ ̺Ʈ Դϴ. vbcritical ̳ vbyesno.. ϴ.. ϳϳ 帮 ⶧ մϴ ãƺñ ٶϴ;....vbcritical ... ø ˰..ǥϴ ...xǥ..vbyesno.....ƴϿ ϴ°̴ϴ` ذ ̳?. Ḧ .... ̵ ݱ..̵3 playմϴ.. ̵3..⼭ ø ˲ϴ^^;.. ȿ. Private Sub muhelp1_Click() MsgBox " α׷ ̿Ҽ ְ" + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + "ϴ.^^ ׷ ϰڽϴ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + "ñϽ ø Ϸ ּ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + "ֽź : ǻп 輱, ׸ " End Sub ..⼭ chr(13) ͸ Ÿ°̴ϴ.. Private Sub Timer2_Timer() If Option1.Value = True Then cnt = cnt + 1 If cnt = 175 Then mid2.Command = "close" mid2.Command = "open" mid2.Command = "play" cnt = 0 End If End If End Sub Ѱ 帮ڽϴ.. ׷ϱ option1 ǥõǾ cnt = cnt + 1 ˴ϴ. cnt timer2 ɶ 1 ö󰣴ٴ . cnt = 175 Ÿ... ̵2 ݰ ٽ ϱ cnt = 0 ȴ. sndplaysound api ̿ϸ ̾.... ⼱ ̵Ʈѷ մϴ.. ̵2 ִ ð 2 50 ɰԴϴ. 2 40ʸ.... ȴٸ cnt = 170 ɰԴϴ..׷뷡 ?... ʵ..⼭ ߿Ѱ ݺԴϴ. 뷡 Ÿ̸Ӱ 1ʿ ѹ Ŵٰ 175 ٽ ó մϴ~. ˰?^^; ƾ..׿ܿ... ߿ѰŴ... ʴ±.. ּ..𸣽ô° .. dingpong@hanmail.net... ñ~>. ߴ ּ;... .. ʹ ׿.. ǽñ.. * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[̽] '' ȳϼ^^.. õ ..¸ øϴ~.. ..ú Ÿ α׷ ¥ Űڳ׿~.. ϱ.. ¦ .... õõ..ظ ϸ鼭 оּ~ Ÿα׷ Ʈ ҷŴ form1  ̰ ̽ Դϴ^^;......ٸ ϱ...¥⳪ ^^;;; Ÿ̸ interval 100 Ϸ Ӵϴ. ⼭ Ÿ̸Ӱ ϴ ϴ.. ڸ.... ܾ ߺȮ, ܰ踦 Ѿ ...ܾ α 1 ± Դϴ~.. ̰ 鶩 ˰ ̷ ϰ µ.... ˰ ôº ŵ ϴ^^....̰... ˰ ƴϰŵ;...ܿ ظ ּ~ 켱 Ʈ ġմϴ^^.. Ҽ? ״ ڵ ѹ 캸 ~..⼭ ߿Ѱ ڵ̴ϱ. Dim (200), i, ᰹(10), (10), ̸(10), (10), ̵(10), cnt, J, (100), (10) ݴϴ ...(200)̳ ᰹(10)̶° 迭 ϴ°̴ϴ.. (1) = "xx" (2) = "yy" label1.caption = (2) ϸ label1 yy ϴ... ˰?... .... ڸ..(200) 200 ǿ ⼮ȣմϴ~ ׷ 1 2 ̷ ִ°^^; ׷ 200 ǿ ޴-_-;;....̻ ΰ?.. 𸣽ð ٷ ּ^^..... Private Sub Command1_Click() Randomize Ŀǵ 1 ϱ Դϴ..click ׷ϱ ϱ⸦ Ͼ ̺Ʈ̰?....ϱ⸦ ܾ ; մϴ. ⼭ Randomize Ǿִµ Randomize Timer ̶ ϴ. 𸣰 ... Randomize ᵵ ۵Ŵ° մϴٸ^^; ̰ .. ؾ ..׷ϱ Ŀǵ 1 Ÿ̸Ӱ ٲٴ Դϴ...׷ϱ...̰ ʾ ..ó Ҷ ܾ ϰ ٽ ϸ ܾ ...ó.. ׷ ̰ ϱ ó ܾ ޶ϴ^^; 𸣽ð ; Label4.Caption = 0 Label5.Caption = 10 label4 ᰹...ϱ ϱ ʱȭ 0...label5 ƲԴϴ ʱȭ 10^^;...10 ϴ غø ˲~ غð ּ..׷ ذ ϱ~ For i = 0 To 6 If Command5.Enabled = False Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(i).Caption = (a) ElseIf Command6.Enabled = False Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label1(i).Caption = (a) Label1(i).Top = 0 End If Next .. Գ׿... ó © label1 迭 6 մϴ..迭 label1 ϱ ٿֱ⸦ ϸ 迭 鲨ı µ ű⼭ ϸ 迭 ˴ϴ. 迭 Ÿ..label1(0), label1(1)̷ ^^;...⼭ 迭 ׷ ҽڵ差 ڵϱ ϱ Դϴ. 6 ̺ ÿ ܾ سϴ. for i = 0 to 6..i 0 6 ѹ մϴ If Command5.Enabled = False Then Ŀǵ 5 ѱŸ Դϴ~..ѱŸڷ õǾ ̶ ̰. ̰... õǾִٸ enabled = true ϱ.. a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(i).Caption = (a) a 1 200 Ѱ ̾Ƴϴ. ܾ 񱸷 ... ڸ ǿ ϴµ Բ 200 л л å Ű°..? 0 6 label1 迭 (a) ϴ. ^^; (a) ̾Ƴ ܾ. (200) 迭̱ a ̴... ElseIf Command6.Enabled = False Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label1(i).Caption = (a) elseif ... Դϴ... Ŀǵ6 .. õǾִٸ...ܾ 100 ־ 100 ϳ ̾Ƴ װ 迭 ܾ 6 ̾Ƴϴ..label1(0) ~ (6). Label1(i).Top = 0 End If Next ϱ⸦ label1 ܾ ؾ߰ end if if ̴ϴ. end if ʽָ ˴ϴ elseif end if ʽ൵ ˴ϴ. ׷ elseif ˴ϴ elseif if ȿ մϴ. next for Ѱ̴ϴ.. Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True ۹ư ϱ ϰ ϱ ư ְմ ..For i = 0 To 6 Label1(i).Visible = True Next ̰.. ൵ Ŵµ.. ڵ常 ø Ʊ.. °...label1(0) ~ (6) ̰ ϴ..visible false ϸ ʰ ӼԴϴ. Timer1.Enabled = True Text1.SetFocus Frame1.Visible = False Frame1.Enabled = False Text2.Visible = False Text2.Enabled = False Ÿ̸Ӹ ϰ ϰ. Ŀ text1 űϴ ֳϸ ۴ ٷ ľߵǰ ϰ ϱ ؼ Ҽ... ;....ϱ µ Ŀ ٸ ִٸ ٽ 콺Űܼ text1 Űܾϱ . frame1 ׷ϱ ̵ ϴ ʺ̰, ϴ. text2..̸ Էϰ ϴ..̸â ʰ ϴ. If Command5.Enabled = True Then If Command6.Enabled = True Then MsgBox "Ÿ ּ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + " ؿ ѱ۰ ּ", vbCritical ѱŸڿ Ÿ ž ޼ ڽ մϴ..Ÿ ּ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + " ؿ ѱ۰ ּ", vbCritical .... chr(13)̳ vbcritical ¶ Դϴ ǥð ϴ°..׸ _ ̰̳ + ʉϴϴ chr(13) 2 ĭ ʹ پ־.. ^^:.. Frame1.Visible = True Frame1.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Text2.Visible = True Text2.Enabled = True End If End If Label9.Caption = Text2.Text ѱ, Ǿ ʴٸ ̵ ̰ Ҽ ۹ư Ҽְ ư ϰ Ѵ. ̸ԷؽƮ ̰ ְ . ׸ if ݾش..Ʊ ΰ 2 ݾش. label9.caption ̸ Ѵ. ..ذ ż.. Private Sub Command2_Click() Randomize Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Timer1.Enabled = False ư Ŭ ̺Ʈ....ù Ʊ Ȱ. ư ư ۹ư ְ ϱ Ÿ̸Ӹ ߰ Ѵ. For i = 0 To 6 Label1(i).Visible = False a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(i).Caption = (a) a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label1(i).Caption = (a) Label1(i).Top = 0 Next ܾ ʺ̰ ٽ  ̾Ƴ. Frame1.Visible = True Frame1.Enabled = True Text2.Visible = True Text2.Enabled = True Label6.Visible = True Label6.Enabled = True ư ̵ ̰ ϰ ְ ̸Է ̰ ϱ ̸ ԷҼְ ϸ.. "̸ :"̶ label ̰ . Private Sub Command3_Click() Unload Me End Sub ޴ζ Ŀǵ ư ̺Ʈ̴. ̽ â unload Ų.. Ų..̽ â.. ׷ ִ θ޴ â Եȴ. .. Ҳ.. ̾ϴ.. ֽð..^^.. ϱ κ dingpong@hanmail.net ּ ׷ ̸.. * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[̽] '' ȳϼ; ʾ ˼մϴ..б Խö ٻ;.. ׷ . ð ̾........ ̽ ڵ忡 帮ڽϴ~ Private Sub Command4_Click() .. ִ°.. 帮 ʰڽϴ.. ֳϸ.. ִ° óɻ糪 Ҷ °. ⼭ Ѱ ƴϱ Դϴ. ӽ ׳ §̱ ....ư ʿ ٰ մϴ. ..db ʵ ߿ ¸ øڽϴ.. ....װ ּ...... óɻDZ⿡ ִ° Ǵ ɴϴ. Private Sub Command4_Click() ִ°ſ.. Private Sub Command5_Click() ˾ƺô.. Randomize Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Randomize Դϴ...ϱ ư Ҽְ ϰ.. ߴϱ ư ϰ ϱ.. Text1.IMEMode = vbIMEModeHangul 'ѱ ּó Ű尡 Ǿִٸ ѱ۷ ٲٴ Դϴ Ҷ ġϱ ð? װ ϴ ̴ϴ.... 𸣴°Ŷ 帱 .. °Ŷϴ^^;..߿ ˰ԵǸ 帮ڽϴ.. ˼մϴ. ..(1) = "" ̷ 200 ? .....켱 ҽڵ带 ̼.. Open App.Path & "\.txt" For Input As #1 Close #1 text  input Էϱ ݾִ°̴ϴ. app.path θ Ÿ. ׸ ԷѴ ݾִ ̴ϴ. ִ (1) = "" ~ 200 ߶󳻱 ϼż.. ҽ ִ¹濡 ؽƮ ϳ ߰ϼż ̸ ֽð ȿ ٿֱ Ͻñ ּ. ׷ ϴ...׷ ɲ...1~200 ʹ ϰ? §Ŷ; ^^;;...״ . For i = 0 To 6 a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(i).Caption = (a) Label1(i).Visible = False Label1(i).Top = 0 Next ѱ̳ label1(0) ~ (6) ܾ  سϴ. ø ˰? 0 6 i ִ´ ѹ. a 1 200 ϳ Ѵ 0϶ ϳ 1϶ ϳ 6϶ ϳ..... װ..label(0) 6 ѹ ֱ.. ϴ label ʰѴ. ׸ label..Ҽְ ̸ 0 д. ̴̰ϴ^^; Label4.Caption = 0 Label5.Caption = 10 Timer1.Enabled = False Command5.Enabled = False Command6.Enabled = True Label10.Caption = "1ܰ" ᰹ 0 Ʋ ʱȭ 0. Ÿ̸Ӵ ϴ ư ʰ..ֳϸ ѱ ư° ƴ϶. ư ؾ߰?...׸ ѱ ѱ ϰ ְ. label10 ܰ踦 Ÿִ ̺Դϴ. 1ܰ 2ܰ...ø ˲ϴ^^; 1ܰ... ..Private Sub Command6_Click() ˾ƺô ̶ ̺Ʈ^^ Randomize Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False ..ϱ..  ۹ư ְ...ư ؾ߰.. Text1.IMEMode = vbIMEModeAlpha ' ̰ ּ ٲٴ°! ߽ϴ~ Open App.Path & "\.txt" For Input As #1 Close #1 ⼭ ִ ߶󳻱 ϱ ؽƮ ٿֱؼ Ͻø ^^;.. ϴ Label10.Caption = "1ܰ" For i = 0 To 6 a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label1(i).Caption = (a) Label1(i).Visible = False Label1(i).Top = 0 Next Label4.Caption = 0 Label5.Caption = 10 Timer1.Enabled = False Command5.Enabled = True Command6.Enabled = False Ʊ ϴ ǹؿ True false Ʊ ѱ̶ ޶. Private Sub Command7_Click() MsgBox "< ̽ >" + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + "̽ α׷ Դϴ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + "ó Ҷ ؿִ ѱ۰ ߿ ּ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + "̵ ּ. ׸ α׷ ϴ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + " . Դϴ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + "᰹ 11ܰ ϴ." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) _ + "̰ ϼ..^^" + Chr(13) + Chr(13) End Sub ..Դϴ. chr(13) ȿ^^; msgbox msdn ϼ~ Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Command5.Enabled = True End Sub ε...ó.. 㶧 ̺Ʈ. ۹ư ְ. ư . ѱ۹ư ְ Ǿֱ. Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) ̺Ʈ ٽ.  Ű Էµ ̺Ʈ մϴ. Randomize Label7.Caption = Text1.Text If KeyAscii = 13 Or KeyAscii = 32 Then ϱ.. label7 Ȯϴ°... text1 ԷµŴ°Ŷ մϴ.׷ ȮҼְ ׸ ؿ.. þ࿡. Űascii 13 ̳ 32 ̸ ̶ ..keyascii 13 32 ̽ Դϴ ͳ ̽ Ͼ ̺Ʈ ؿ ڵϰ For i = 0 To 6 If Label1(i).Caption = Trim(Text1.Text) Then Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption + 1 Label1(i).Top = 0 0 6 ϱ ó i 0 . label1(0) ̸ = text1.text trim 𸣰ڳ׿-_- ˼մϴ..ϳ ˾Ƽ ø..˼-_-;; ..text1.text ԷѰŴϱ ׿ Ȱ ܾ ߰? +1 Ű ٽ ؾ߰? ׷̴ϴ~ If Command5.Enabled = False Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(i).Caption = (a) If Label1(i).Caption = "" Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(i).Caption = (a) End If ElseIf Command6.Enabled = False Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label1(i).Caption = (a) End If ࿡ ѱ۹ư ֽ.. a ̺ ְ ̺ ĸ ٸ ٽ ֱ.  ִٸ.  ְ ˴ϴ. ƽð? ־ ̰͹ۿ ڳ׿.. ׷ ȳ 輼~ * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[̽] '' ȳϼ~... ؾϴ ϱ.... Next Text1.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus °ų Ʋų... ܾ ߰? ׷ ܾ ϱ ״ ؼ 콺 Ͱ text1 سϴ. ׷ ĥϱ^^; If Command5.Enabled = False Then If Label4.Caption = 30 Then Timer1.Enabled = False ࿡ ѱĿǵ ư ְ ࿡ label4 .. 30 ٸ.. timer1 ...ֳϸ ޼ ڽ .. ĥ.....» ִ...ܰ谡 Ѿ.. ̰ ܰ踦 Ѿ ϴ ̺Ʈ ڵԴϴ MsgBox "2ܰ" Label10.Caption = "2ܰ" For i = 0 To 6 a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(i).Caption = (a) Label1(i).Top = 0 Next Timer1.Enabled = True ʷ....޼ ڽ 2ܰ ǥϰ ϱ ܰ踦 ǥ ִ label10 2ܰ... Ʊ ѱ ϱ....2ܰ Ѿ ٽ ο ܾ ۵Ű Ѵ.. for next ְ Ÿ̸Ӹ ٽ ϰ մϴ. ̺Ʈ 30 ߸ 2ܰ Ѿ ϴ° ؿ͵ ޶ 3,4,5,6,...... Ѿ ϴ ڵ̱ ^^;. If Command6.Enabled = False Then If Label4.Caption = 30 Then Timer1.Enabled = False ..  ... ᰹ 30̶... Ͱ..  Ʋ ..  ְ... Ȱ^^;......ذ? ߳ͼ..end if ݾְ.. Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Randomize Timer1.Enabled = True ٽɺκ Ÿ̸ӿ ִ ڵ ˾ƺ~ ϰ..... ° ʿ׿-_-; .. ܰ迡 ӵ ٸ ϴ ڵ ˾ƺڽϴ~ ʱ ߱ ؾϴ . For i = 0 To 6 Label1(i).Visible = True If Option1 = True Then If Label10.Caption = "1ܰ" Then Label1(i).Top = Label1(i).Top + Int(Rnd(5) * 25) Ÿ̸Ӱ ̺ ̰ ְ option1 ڰ ǥõǾ ڷ Ÿڿ ϰ label10.. 1ܰ ̺ ̴ rnd 5 25 . 5 25 ڸ Ե. ƽ?.. ElseIf Label10.Caption = "2ܰ" Then Label1(i).Top = Label1(i).Top + Int(Rnd(10) * 30) ̷͵ Ȱϴ. 2ܰ踸 10 30 ڷ .....ڰ ? ӵ ٴ Դϴ. ׷ ؿ͵ ƽø ϰ Ѿϴ..𸣽ø ^^.. ElseIf Option2 = True Then If Label10.Caption = "1ܰ" Then ̰ ߱ڸ .. ElseIf Option3 = True Then If Label10.Caption = "1ܰ" Then ̰ ʱڰ^^; For i = 0 To 6 If Label1(i).Top > 5880 Then Label5.Caption = Label5.Caption - 1 Label1(i).Top = 0 ٽ for .. ̹ ܾ ؿ α Ʋ ϳ پ ̺Ʈ Դϴ...label1.top 5880 Ŀ. Ʋ -1 ǰ ̺ ٽ ö󰣴 ũ 5880 ٸ ϼŵ ϴ^^; If Command5.Enabled = False Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(i).Caption = (a) ̺ ٽ ܾ ־߰? ٽ ܾ ִ ̴ϴ` ElseIf Command6.Enabled = False Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label1(i).Caption = (a) ....ѱ ѱ ־ߵǰ ϶  ־ִ°͸ ٸ~.. ElseIf Label5.Caption = 0 Then Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Timer1.Enabled = False Label1(i).Visible = False MsgBox "Game over" Exit Sub ElseIf Label5.Caption < 0 Then Label5.Caption = 0 End If Next Ѳ 帮 Ʋ 0̵Ǹ. ϱ ְ ǰ ߴϱ Եȴ..ֳϸ ٽ Ҽ ֱ⶧.. Ÿ̸Ӹ ư ʰ ϰ. ܾ ִ ̺ ʰѴ. ޼ڽ .. ƴٴ° ˸ ޼ ߰Ѵ. Ʋ 0 ۾ Ʋ 0̵ȴ..ֳϸ. ¼ Ʋ 1 ¿ ܾ 2 Ѿ Ʋ -1 ű⶧̴ ָ ʽָ ׸; for ݾְ. ܾ ߺȮ Դϴ. Ѳ ܾ 2  ʰմϴ. ܾ ܾ ϴ°. If Command5.Enabled = False Then If Label1(0).Caption = Label1(1).Caption Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(0).Caption = (a) a = Int(Rnd(1) * 200) Label1(1).Caption = (a) End If ѱ϶ ߺȮԴϴ. 0 ϰ 1ϰ Ѵ ٽ ٸ ܾ ̾ݴϴ. ..ذ Dz մϴ. ʰø .~ ؿ͵ Դϴ. ...̷μ ̽ ׿.. ߳? Ư Ҳ κ̶... ϴ..׸ŭ .... ε Ѻּ~ p.s ִ° ϴ ׳ (0) ~ (200) صνð Ŀ 帮ڽϴ * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[ª] '' ȳϼ^^ ° ..˼մϴ... ....form3 ִ ªۿ ˾ƺ սô^^ ̷ ϱ β Ÿα׷ ӿ ġ ġؼ ª̳ ۿ ʹ Ȧ α׷Դϴ.. ׷ 𸣽ô е ż ؼ α׷ ֽñ ٶ Դϴ.. 켱 .. Ÿα׷ ϱ ٷο ;;. ׳ ̽ô´ ġϽø DZ... ġ ̶.. textbox ؿִ° 迭 ּžմϴ 迭 ° ȵ...̺ϳ ũ textbox ǿʿ ġϽŴ ϱ ؼ ٿֱ ϸ 迭 ۼ İ  ˴ϴ ׷ ϸ 迭 Ű ˴ϴ.. Ʈ ġ Ҳ ?..׳ ̴´ ġϽø Ŵ.. ߿ ڵ ˾ƺ~ ڵ ׸ ʱ...߰ Ŵ±.. Dim (100), v, k, c, d Dim cnt As Byte ݴϴ... byte 255ΰ?..254ΰ Դϴ-_-;..˼... ׷.....Ϲ å Ͻñ ٶϴ. msdn ̳... Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.IMEMode = vbIMEModeHangul 'ѱ Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True Command3.Enabled = True ϱ⸦ ̺Ʈ Դϴ.. ϱ⸦ Ǿ ϴ ѱ۷ ٲݴϴ. ׸ ϱ⸦ ٽ ϰ ư̶ ޴ ư ְ ݴϴ. Label6.Visible = True Timer1.Enabled = True Text1.SetFocus label6..ľ ܾ Ÿ ̺Դϴ.. ִ.. ϱ⸦ ĥְ ̺ ̵ ݴϴ. ׸ Ÿ̸Ӱ ư ϱ...ϱ ϸ ĥְ text1 콺 Ͱ մϴ.. For i = 0 To k Label1(i).Caption = "x" Label1(i).FontSize = Text1.FontSize Label1(i).Visible = True Timer2.Enabled = False ణ մϴ. ⼭....k label6 Դϴ. .. ̸ŭ ؼ ̸ŭ ؿ 迭 Ϳ.. x ڰ մϴ...߿ o ٲ ڵ ؾ߰ ̺ 迭 ũ ؽƮ1 ũⰡ մϴ x ڸ Ÿ....ϰ ϱ . ̺ 迭 ڼŭ ̰ ݴϴ. Ÿ̸2 ϴ. Next Timer3.Enabled = True cnt = 0 Ʊ for next ݾְ.. Ÿ̸3 ְ cnt 0 ݴϴ. Private Sub Command2_Click() Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True Label6.Visible = False Timer1.Enabled = False For i = 0 To k Label1(i).Visible = False Next Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False cnt = 0 End Sub ...ư ...̺ƮԴϴ. ۹ư 밡ϰ ư ϰ ޴ư ϰ... ľ ܾ ̺ ʺ̰ ϰ Ÿ̸1 ʺ̰. 迭 ͵ Ⱥ̰.... ̺ ŭ... Ÿ̸Ӹ ݾְ cnt = 0 ش. Private Sub Command3_Click() Unload Me End Sub ޴ ª unload Ų. ޴ ֱ ݾָ ޴ ó δ. ..... ϰڽϴ.. ּż մϴ.. ª ϰڽϴ.ּ... * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[ª] '' ȳϼ^^ ª 2° ðԴϴ^^.. ̾ ..ҽ мغ ~ Private Sub Form_Load() (1) = ""~ (100) տ ̽ , Դϴ. 迭 100 1 100 100 ֽϴ.. ׷ ̾Ƴ~ a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label6.Caption = (a) Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True Label6.Visible = False 2 ̾Ƴ°Դϴ... տ ƽð?... ó ۵Ǹ ְ... ޴ ư ֵ մϴ... ׸ ľ label6 ʰ մϴ.. k = Len((a)) v = Text1.Text k ̾Ƴ ̸ մϴ. len ̸ ϴ ԼԴϴ... v text1 text ֽϴ. For i = 0 To k Label1(i).Visible = False Timer3.Enabled = False Next i = 0 kŭ ݴϴ..for.... k ڼԴϴ...ڼŭ ؿ x ֱ ڼŭ.... ó ϴ ʰ ؾ߰.. ׸ Ÿ̸3 ݴϴ...next ݾְ.. Timer2.Enabled = False Label13.Caption = 0 Ÿ̸ 2 ֽð label13 0.. label13...ݱ ͳ ̽ ƴ Ƚ Ÿϴ. ... Ƴĸ Ÿ.. ø ˰.. Ʋų °ų ϸ label13 ϳö󰡰 ʷ̺ ڰ ö󰩴ϴ... ǥϴ°.. ....̷....label13 տԴϴ~ mid.FileName = App.Path + "\THEME ME.wav" mid.Command = "open" MMƮ ̸ mid Դϴ... ϴ ¸ سϴ..ֳϸ ȿ.... ߿ ͸ ؾߵű⶧Դϴ~ Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) ٽɺκ keypress ̺Ʈ ˾ƺ.. ̰͵ ̽񿡼 ȵ text1  Ű ԷµŸ Ͼ ̺ƮԴϴ^^.. Timer2.Enabled = True Label2.Caption = Text1.Text Ÿ̸ 2 ư ϰ label2 Էϴ text1.text մϴ Ȯζ`..׷..~.. If KeyAscii = 13 Then If Trim(Text1.Text) <> "" Then If cnt <> 0 Then ù....׷ϱ 13..࿡...Ű ԷµǸ ι° ..text1.text ""..ƹ͵ Էµ <>...ʴٸ... ° ..cnt..<>..0 ƴϸ.. timer3 ǰ ִٸ cnt 0 ƴϰ.. cnt ߿ Ÿڼӵ Ҷ ˴ϴ..1ʸ + 1 ... Select Case cnt Case 1 To 2 c = 2 Case 3 To 4 c = 1.9 Case 5 To 6 c = 1.8 Case 6 To 7 c = 1.7 Case 8 To 9 c = 1.6 Case 10 To 11 c = 1.5 Case 12 To 13 c = 1.4 Case 14 To 15 c = 1.3 Case 16 To 17 c = 1.2 Case 18 To 19 c = 1.1 Case 20 To 21 c = 1 End Select ̰....cnt c ִ°̴ϴ.. ̰͸ Ÿ ӵ ϴµ ˴ϴ... Ÿ ӵ ϴ .. ̴ϴ ..ּ.... Ҽ .. cnt 1 2 ̸ c = 2 ְ...̷̴ϴ.. ....cnt c Ե˴ϴ.. ð 带 c ٴ ^^:; Label10.Caption = Round(((k / cnt) * 60) * c * -1) * -1 label10 Ÿ....k ڼ...ڼ / ð Ű. 1 60ʴϱ 60 ְ...ű c ְ -1 ְ.. .. Ѱ -1 ݴϴ.. ̷.. Ͻôº ƽð.. .._... Ÿϴ Դϴ..տ round ݿø.... Ҽ üֱ⶧ ݿø.....  𸨴ϴ;. ޾ .. ̰ŵ..ȮѰ ƴϱ⶧...Ƽź.... ǰ ٰ մϴ.._.....˼մϴ..ȮѰ ˷ϴµ. ˼մϴ.(__) (--).... If Label12.Caption < Label10.Caption Then Label12.Caption = Label10.Caption mid.Command = "prev" mid.Command = "play" End If ࿡ label12 label10 label10 ũ .. label12 ִŸε..ִŸ ׳ Ÿ ũٸ.. Ÿ ִŸ Ǿ߰....׷ 2° ٿ..ִŸ.. ׳ Ÿ ִ°Դϴ.. ...͸ ..ȿ ݴϴ...prev ó ִ°Դϴ.. Label13.Caption = Label13.Caption + 1 For i = 0 To k Label1(i).Caption = "" Next ͸ ϱ....label13 ...ģ .....ģ / Ÿ~ ߿ ģ label13 +1 ݴϴ.. ׸ ڼŭ ٽ ְ....label1(i) ƹ͵ ʽϴ.. ׸ ݾݴϴ.. If Label6.Caption = Trim(Text1.Text) Then Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption + 1 a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label6.Caption = (a) text1 Էµ .. ڰ ģ label6..ľ ...¾ ̺Ʈ...label4..Դϴ... + 1 ְ ٽ ؼ label6 ־ݴϴ.. If Label6.Caption = "" Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label6.Caption = (a) End If ׸ľ Ÿ label6 ƹ͵ ԷµǾ ʴٸ... ؼ ־ݴϴ.. k = Len((a)) For i = 0 To k Label1(i).Caption = "x" Next Label8.Caption = "¾Ҵ" ͸ ļ ο ٽ ״..ٽ ̸ Ͽ k ־ݴϴ.. ׸ ڼŭ for x ǥø ϰ ݴϴ... ׸ label8 ¾Ҵٶ ܾ մϴ..¾ϱ.. ElseIf v <> Label6.Caption Then Label8.Caption = "Ʋȴ" a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label6.Caption = (a) If Label6.Caption = "" Then a = Int(Rnd(1) * 100) Label6.Caption = (a) End If k = Len((a)) Ʊ մϴ Ʋ ̺Ʈ.... text1.text v label6 ʴٸ. label6 Ʋȴٰ µǰϰ... ٽ ̾Ƽ label6 ־ݴϴ..Ź ٸ ϱ ... ׸ label6 ƹ͵ ԷµǾ ʴٸ ־ݴϴ.... ...Ʋ쿡 ο Ÿ⶧ ̸ ٽñ. k ־ݴϴ.. For i = 0 To k Label1(i).Caption = "x" Beep Next End If End If Text1.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus cnt = 0 End If End If ڼŭ x ־ְ..beep Ҹ ݴϴ.. Ʋ^^;...for ݾְ..if . 2 ݾְ...text1.text = "" ƹ͵ ....콺 ͵ text1.... cnt = 0 ...if 2 ݾְ.. Private Sub Timer1_Timer() k = Len(Label6.Caption) For i = 0 To k If Left(Text1.Text, i + 1) = Left(Label6.Caption, i + 1) Then Label1(i).Caption = "o" End If Next For i = 0 To k If Left(Text1.Text, i + 1) <> Left(Label6.Caption, i + 1) Then Label1(i).Caption = "x" End If Next k ľ ܾ ... ؿ2 o, x ǥϴ ̴ϴ.. left Լ ˾ƾϰ.... leftԼ 帮... ׷...msdn Ͻñ ٶϴ.. text1.text ʺ i 0϶...1 label6 ù° մϴ. ׷ label1(0) o µ˴ϴ.. ؿ x <> ǥø ٸԵ˴ϴ. Private Sub Timer3_Timer() cnt = cnt + 1 End Sub timer3 1ʸ dz 1ʸ cnt + 1 ˴ϴ. Ͼ.... ?... 𸣽ðø..dingpong@hitel.net ּ.. 1Ķ ^^;.....׷ ֽð ּ ׷ ^^.... p.s ⼭ timer2 ʿ ..Ȯ ..ƹ͵ ٴ° ˾ҽϴ.._ * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[] '' ȳϼ^^... ̹ ´.....۸⿡ Ẹڽϴ.. 켱 ô~..^^ մϴ... θ޴ ֱ Դϴ. ϴ°Ͱ...ġ° ־ ׷ϴ.. ϴ¹ư ?...ġ°͵ ̱... .. εǸ....ٸ ......° ̰ ˴ϴ... ϳ ϸ... °... ʰϰ.. ġ ϴ°...ָ Ǵ°̴ϴ.... ̷ ° ٸ ҷͼ ϱ..׷ ϱ Դϴ..׷ ȿ ذѰ.. ̰ .. տ.. 5 Ŀǵ ư ְ..ڿ..... ð ª Ŷ ǰڱ ª ٴ ¥ô~..^^;; .. ˾ƺ?..׷ ڵ ٺô.. Dim , k, rr Private Sub Command1_Click() Timer1.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True մϴ..̶..... ׸ k ,rr ̰ ߿ 帮.. ۺ ״ Ϸ Դϴ.. ϴ  ̶ Ѵ װ ϴ°.. ƽð?..... ״....Ŀǵ1 Ŭ ̺Ʈ..... Ŀǵ1 ϱ ưԴϴ.. ϱ ư ...Ÿ̸Ӱ ư ϰ.. ٽ ϰ ߴϱ ְմϴ.. For i = 0 To 3 lb(i).Visible = True Text1(i).Visible = True lb(i).Enabled = True Text1(i).Enabled = True Next ib.. ø ˰...ľ ̺ 迭Դϴ.. ib(0) ״ ib(1) ib Ƿ label ̸ ٲ۰Դϴ ..... ׷ϱ 4ϱ 0~ 3..0,1,2,3... ̷ 迭 ϰ ϱ ؼԴϴ 迭 ...for ó ̰Ҷ.. label1.visible = true label2.visible = true label3.visible = true label4.visible = true label5.visible = true ......... ڵ þ?....׷ for ؼ 迭 Դϴ.. 0 3 ̺ ̰..մϴ ..ľߵŴϱ.. 翬 ĥְ.. ԷҼִ ؽƮ ڽ 4 ̰ մϴ... ̺ Ȱȭ Ű ؽƮڽ Ȱȭ ŵϴ....for ݾְ.. Text1(0).SetFocus For i = 0 To 26 Label2(i).Caption = "x" Label3(i).Caption = "x" Label4(i).Caption = "x" Label5(i).Caption = "x" Label2(i).Visible = True Label3(i).Visible = True Label4(i).Visible = True Label5(i).Visible = True Next ġ ϰ text1 콺͸ ̵Ű... 27ŭ ؿ..0,x ǥϴ ̺ x ־ݴϴ.. ... .. x ...׸ ˻ϴ ̺ ̰ ݴϴ. Command4.Visible = False Command4.Enabled = False command5.Visible = False command5.Enabled = False Command6.Visible = False Command6.Enabled = False Command7.Visible = False Command7.Enabled = False Command8.Visible = False Command8.Enabled = False Command9.Enabled = True Command9.Visible = True 4,5,6,7,8 ϴ ĿǵưԴϴ. Ŀǵ9 ϴ Ŀǵ ưԴϴ.. ؿ 4 ʲ.. ϸ ° ʵŴ....Ŀǵư 5 ʺְ̰ Ȱȭ Ű........޴δ ٽ ְ ش. Private Sub Command2_Click() Timer1.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False ߴϱ ư ̺ƮԴϴ.. ߴϱ⸦ ϱ..Ÿ̸Ӱ ư ʰ ϰ... ϱ⸦ ְѴ.. For i = 0 To 3 lb(i).Visible = False Text1(i).Visible = True lb(i).Enabled = False Text1(i).Enabled = True Text1(i).Text = "" Next ....ߴϱϱ...ؽƮ Է¸..ϰ ݴϴ.. ľ ̺ ʴ´.. For i = 0 To 26 Label2(i).Visible = False Label3(i).Visible = False Label4(i).Visible = False Label5(i).Visible = False Next ߴϱ⸦ ...0,x ǥϴ°͵ ʺ̰ ݴϴ.. Private Sub Command3_Click() Unload Me End Sub ޴ζ ݾݴϴ.. Ͼ.. ª ̸ ̰ڽϴ ʹ -_-;;;..˼... ڽϴ..ּ^^... * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[] '' ȳϼ^^ ʾ׿;..˼մϴ. ..׷ ̾ ۼҽڵ带 ~ Private Sub Command4_Click() = " ó ȭ κ 밳 ׷ϵ װ ڿ ɾִ ӿ ° Ҹ ־. Ÿ Ҹ ٴڿ Ǵ Ҹ, Ҹ⺸ ͵ ̷ ֱ ׷ ణ Ǹ δٸ Ҹ ־. ڸ Ÿ ɾ ־ ϴ ִ ״ ణ ¿ ò ڵ ӿ Ĺ ִ, ׷ 巯 ε Ҹ, ׵ Ҹ, Ͽư ư鼭 Ҹ ġ ʰ ־. ׷ Ϸ ︮ ú Ҹ û ۸ϰ ߰ Ӹ İ ״. ׷ ô޸ ƴϸ  ̹ Ӽ ״ տ ðǥ հ Ӽ ĺ. ׷ Ӽ ⹦ հ ִ ʸӿ ־. < >" ... ̶ ٰ ̷ Դϴ ߴ ̽ ªۿ 迭 ٰ , Ͱ Դϴ... For i = 0 To 3 lb(i).Caption = Mid(, k, 27) k = k + 27 Next i = 0 3.. 4..0,1,2,3 ib ľ ڰ ; ̺Դϴ... ̺ 0 ̵...... ̺ ̸ ü k .. ؾұ..ؾ ȣ?.. ű⼭ 27 ¥ٸ Դϴ. .. Ծ..-_-;;; ð ڼ ˾Ƽ øڽϴ..ݱ Ծ ͵̶ ˼մϴ.; For i = 0 To 3 lb(i).Visible = False Text1(i).Visible = True lb(i).Enabled = False Text1(i).Enabled = True Next next ⼱ for ׳ ص Ŵµ; ̷ ڵ ±;..... Ȱ 0 3 մϴ.. ..̰...ľ ܾ ̺ lb ʰϰ ġ°... textbox ̰ մϴ...ó ϰ ... ľҰ ϱ..... ϱ⸦ ľ ܾ ̰ ؾϴϱ.. ̷ ϼŵ ˴ϴ~.. ׳ textbox ʺ̰ ϼŵ ű~ Command8.Enabled = False Command7.Enabled = False Command6.Enabled = False command5.Enabled = False Command4.Enabled = False Command7.Visible = False command5.Visible = False Command6.Visible = False Command4.Visible = False Command8.Visible = False Ÿ command 4~8 5 ϵ, ʺ̰ ݴϴ ڵ command4 ϱ...4 'Ҹ '̶ ̹ ϰ ϴ° Label1.Visible = False Label1.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False label1.. ' ' caption ִ ̺ ʰ մϴ...׸ ϱ⸦ Ҽְ ߴϱ ϵ. Timer1.Enabled = False Command1.Visible = True Command2.Visible = True Command3.Visible = True Command3.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Ÿ̸Ӵ ϴ ְմϴ..ϸ ư ؾ߰ ֱ..ǼԴϴ;..ڵ.. ϱ ߴϱ ޴ command ̰ ְ ߴϱ ϵ ݴϴ. For i = 0 To 26 Label2(i).Visible = True Label2(i).Enabled = True Label3(i).Visible = True Label3(i).Enabled = True Label4(i).Visible = True Label4(i).Enabled = True Label5(i).Visible = True Label5(i).Enabled = True Next o,x ̺ Դϴ. ̰ ݴϴ.... ߿ ϱ Ҷ ̰ ൵ ϴ. Command9.Enabled = True Command9.Visible = True Ʈȴµ...command9 ° ̵..Ҽֵ... ...ؿ.. մϴ.. Ȱ.. .. ص ذDzϴ.. ʰô κ dingpong@hitel.net ֽð.~...command4~8 ϴ. Private Sub Command9_Click() Label1.Visible = True Label1.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False command9 Ŭ ̺Ʈ Դϴ. ϱ..... ó θ޴ ؼ .. Ȱ ؾ߰... ' ' caption ̺ ̰ ְ.. ϱ⸦ ְ..ߴϱ ..̰ ʿ䰡 . For i = 0 To 26 Label2(i).Caption = "x" Label3(i).Caption = "x" Label4(i).Caption = "x" Label5(i).Caption = "x" Label2(i).Visible = False Label3(i).Visible = False Label4(i).Visible = False Label5(i).Visible = False Next o,x ǥϴ ̺ x ...ʱȭ ׸ ʰ. For i = 0 To 3 Text1(i).Text = "" Next Էϴ textbox ʱȭ..ƹ͵ k = 1 ״ k = 1 .. Command4.Visible = True Command4.Enabled = True command5.Visible = True command5.Enabled = True Command6.Visible = True Command6.Enabled = True Command7.Visible = True Command7.Enabled = True Command8.Visible = True Command8.Enabled = True command4~8 ̰ϱ Ҽְ Ѵ. For i = 0 To 3 lb(i).Visible = False lb(i).Enabled = False Text1(i).Visible = False Text1(i).Enabled = False Next ľҴܾ lb label ʰ.. text1 ... ʱ Ҽ...ڰ ġ°~ For i = 0 To 26 Label2(i).Caption = "x" Label3(i).Caption = "x" Label4(i).Caption = "x" Label5(i).Caption = "x" Next Ʊ ߴµ.. Ǽ ǽ豺-_-;;ʺ §Ŷ; ݵ ʺ;... o,x ̺ x ... Command1.Visible = False Command2.Visible = False Command3.Visible = False Command9.Visible = False Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = False Command9.Enabled = False , ߴϱ, ޴, ʱ Ҽմϴ. ...̹ ´ ̹ ġڽϴ. ֽô в 帳ϴ. ... ''ϰ Ѻκе 帮ڽϴ ٸ Ʈ ִ° Ƽ. ʰ ÷ ˼մϴ * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[] '' Ͼ..ʾ..˼մϴ ú Ⱓ̶..ð ±..(--;;). ..ð~~~~.. ñ ߳?; ̹ ε ˾ƺ~ Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Timer1.Enabled = False For i = 0 To 3 lb(i).Visible = False Text1(i).Visible = False lb(i).Enabled = False Text1(i).Enabled = False Next ε ó ߻ϴ ̺Ʈ Դϴ ϴ ŵؾ߰^^ Ÿ̸Ӵ ֱ.....Էϴ ؽƮڽ ̶̺ ʺ̰. Ҽ մϴ. ^^..׷͵ command1 Ŭ. ̰ ֵ ؾ߰~ For i = 0 To 26 Label2(i).Visible = False Label2(i).Enabled = False Label3(i).Visible = False Label3(i).Enabled = False Label4(i).Visible = False Label4(i).Enabled = False Label5(i).Visible = False Label5(i).Enabled = False Next ̰͵ ~ o,x ̺ ʺ̰..Ҽ Command1.Visible = False Command2.Visible = False Command3.Visible = False Command3.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = False k = 1 Command9.Visible = False Command9.Enabled = False End Sub ... .. ó ϱ ... ϱ ׷ư ְ... ͵鸸 ̵ Ҽֵ մϴ. Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer) If rr = -1 Then If KeyAscii = 13 Then Text1(0).Text = "" Text1(1).Text = "" Text1(2).Text = "" Text1(3).Text = "" For i = 0 To 3 lb(i).Caption = Mid(, k, 27) k = k + 27 Next End If End If ߿ keypress κ.. Ư Ű ̺Ʈ ڵϴ . ࿡ rr = -1 ̸.....rr ؿ 帮ڽϴ. ׸ keyascii =13 ̸...13̸ ŰԴϴ. ׷ ġ° ʱȭ Ų..ƹ͵ ... ׸ 1 3 ľ ܾ 27 © ִ´. ̷Դϴ. ̰ 4° ġ°.. Ű . ƴ ܾ ľ ; . ڿ ´ٴ . If KeyAscii = 13 Then rr = rr + 1 Text1(rr).SetFocus If rr = 3 Then rr = -1 End If End If Ű rr + 1 ˴ϴ. ׸ 콺Ŀ ĭ ǰ rr = 3 .... ĭ ͸ . rr = -1 ǵմϴ 𸣽ð ּ... For i = 0 To 26 If Left(Text1(0).Text, i + 1) = Left(lb(0).Caption, i + 1) Then Label2(i).Caption = "o" End If Next For i = 0 To 26 If Left(Text1(0).Text, i + 1) <> Left(lb(0).Caption, i + 1) Then Label2(i).Caption = "x" End If Next For i = 0 To 26 If Left(Text1(1).Text, i + 1) = Left(lb(1).Caption, i + 1) Then Label3(i).Caption = "o" End If Next For i = 0 To 26 If Left(Text1(1).Text, i + 1) <> Left(lb(1).Caption, i + 1) Then Label3(i).Caption = "x" End If Next For i = 0 To 26 If Left(Text1(2).Text, i + 1) = Left(lb(2).Caption, i + 1) Then Label4(i).Caption = "o" End If Next For i = 0 To 26 If Left(Text1(2).Text, i + 1) <> Left(lb(2).Caption, i + 1) Then Label4(i).Caption = "x" End If Next For i = 0 To 26 If Left(Text1(3).Text, i + 1) = Left(lb(3).Caption, i + 1) Then Label5(i).Caption = "o" End If Next For i = 0 To 26 If Left(Text1(3).Text, i + 1) <> Left(lb(3).Caption, i + 1) Then Label5(i).Caption = "x" End If Next End Sub 䵥... ƴմϴ. o,x Ÿ°. ϳ Ǯغ... Ǹ ִ°ɷ غڽϴ. 0 26 ... if text1(3) ʿ i +1 ° ( +1 ϴ 0 ȱ ).. lb(3) ľҴܾ i+1 ° ʴٸ. label5(i)° x ض. ׷Դϴ.. ذ ʰø ּ ݱ 뵵 ʿ׿_.. .... Ѹ ֽø.. ߾ ٵ+_+ 漳 Ŀ-_-;.... ׷ Ϸ...^^... ż ڳ׿ * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[Ÿڰ] ȳϼ^^ ʾ?;... ֽø ϰ^^. Ÿ ˾ƺ . Ÿ ۰ մϴ..ٸ ٸ. ð 鼭 ð Ÿ ϴ°͸ ϸ . ⼭ ʴ Ÿ ƴ Ȯ . ϸ ?. Ÿ̸Ӹ ϳ ߰Ͻð.. 1ʿ ѹ ư ݽô~ ؽƮڽϳ ְ 100̶ text ־ּ. ؿ..ð ʸ ǥ ̺ϰ. ׸ ҽ ڵϴ° Ϲݿ dim gg ϳ ݽô. gg ð 궧 ϴ ϰڽϴ. ó 100 Էµִ textbox Էµִ ڰ gg  ݴϴ. ׸ textbox ߰ timer2 ٽɺκ̶ ׺κи ϵ ϰڽϴ. gg = gg - 1 Label6.Caption = gg If Label6.Caption = 0 Then MsgBox "ð Ǿϴ." Text1(0).SetFocus Timer1.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = True Ÿ̸Ӵ 1ʸ ѹ ۵ϴϱ gg ..ó Էµִ ڿ - 1 ݴϴ. װ 0 Ÿ. ð žٴ ޼ ڽ . ׸ text1(0)° 콺 Ŀ ְ.. ð ž⶧ text1 ۵ ݴϴ. ׸ ϱ⸦ ְ ְ. For i = 0 To 3 lb(i).Visible = False Text1(i).Visible = True lb(i).Enabled = False Text1(i).Enabled = True Text1(i).Text = "" Next Էϴ textbox ľ ܾ lb label ʺ̰ ݴϴ. ׸ textbox ĥְ ϰ ƹ͵ ʱȭ ݴϴ. For i = 0 To 26 Label2(i).Visible = False Label3(i).Visible = False Label4(i).Visible = False Label5(i).Visible = False Next 0,X ǥõǴ κ ʺ̰ ݴϴ. Timer2.Enabled = False Label6.Visible = False Label7.Visible = False Label8.Visible = False End If Ÿ̸ ۵ ߰... ʰ ̺ ʺ̰ ݴϴ. ϴ. ͹ۿ ʵ˴ϴ. httó ϴµ.. α׷ Ƿδ ʵŴ ϼż^^..ѹ غñ ٶϴ. ׷ ϼ. * Ÿ α׷ Դϴ..[] '' ȳϼ^^ ̹ ʰԉ׿ ˼մϴ ̹ðʹ £ ؼ ˾ƺ.. ־ Ʋð ^^.. Ÿα׷ ߿ ּ. ..ø Ͻ ϴ. Ÿ̸ӵ .. 4 ̻ Ʊ⶧-_- ׳ 𸣰ڱ űִ MMcontrol ¾ Ʋ Ҹ ϱ 2 ϴ^^; ȿ Ÿ̸ӵ. Ʋ, ¾ ȿ . 밡 и ϱ ϱ.. ׸ Ա ߽ϴ. Խϴ.... ϰ ϴ Ȱ մϴ.. ˰ ణ ̻ 𸣰ڳ׿^^;. ʺ.. ̵ ̱.. ⼭ 帮ڸ.. command button ϸ.. ׳ ٲ㼱 ʵ ? command Ӽ style ° ִµ װ 1-׷ ٲٰ ٲְ Ǹ Ŀǵ ư ٲ ˴ϴ^^ ƽô°ǰ-_-a 1.1 Ϲ ʳ 1.2 ʹ Խϴ. ظ ϴ ־ (޸⵵ ) ҽ ..밡ٸ ؾ ߱ ;. ð.. ϴ ô. ø...ܾ ʿ ܾ 뿡 ± ڷ з?.. ʿ ܾ ؼ. 밡 и ϴ ˰..̰ ٽԴϴ. ׸ Ʋ Ÿ ݴʿ ܾ ͼ 븦 о? 浹̺Ʈ°.. ˾ƾմϴ ̰ Ӱ ʼ. RPG ڸ...RPG 浹̺Ʈ ߸ ָ ΋Hµ ְ ȴ..̰ ʵ? ΋H .. ̷ Ǿϱ ðӿ....if = ̻ then ̸. = ̷ ؾ߰? ..װ ߿մϴ... صΰ...켱 ġ ô. ׸.. ׷ ̸^^ *